Elohim in Eden, Gen 6, and Babel: Connecting the Dots
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Elohim in Eden and Genesis 6 and at Babel: How Does It All Connect
Elohim play an important role in the Bible, from Eden, to Genesis 6: 1 – 4 to Babel and beyond. However, before we start, if you are not up to speed with the word “elohim”, we suggest first read our “Lesser gods in the Bible“-post, and then our “Yahweh is not the only elohim“-post. Then come back here please.
Firstly: Elohim In Eden
Humanity, tempted by a rebellious council member, sinned and lost their place in the garden. But that’s not the only reason the world is chaotic – enter Genesis 6:1-4.
Secondly: Elohim in Genesis 6:1-4
Most scholars agree that supernatural beings took human form and bred with women, producing giants known as Nephilim. These beings, who left their heavenly realm (see 2 Peter 2:4-6, Jude 5-6), are now in “Tartarus”. Their offspring intensified human wickedness, leading to the flood. More on this topic in a future blog.
Thirdly: Elohim at Babel
Even after the flood, human and divine wickedness persisted. Some giants survived, and people refused to worship Yahweh as the Most High God. This defiance culminated in the Tower of Babel, a temple designed to elevate other deities instead of honoring Yahweh. This event reveals ongoing rebellion among humans, half-breeds, and other elohim.
“Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.” (Genesis 11:7, ESV).
What Happened At Babel?
Learn about the hidden forces guiding the world – elohim at Babel.
The Consequences Of Babel
As a result of Babel, God portioned the land (according to their inheritance) and turned over those portions to the control of who? NOT “Israel” like most of our bibles say, but to supernatural members of his council (Deut. 32:8–9). Basically, God divorced the nations and started again with Abram (later Abraham). It is through Abraham that Jacob was born as a grandson, and it is Jacob who had the name change to Israel. It is from Jacob that the “Israelites” were brought forth: the 12 tribes. Important to get this straight. At the time of Babel “Israel” did not exist, so no way He could have allotted the nations according to the “sons of Israel” – see it?
But back to the “lesser gods” under whom the nations were put under at Babel: these supernatural guardians of all the portions turned, one by one, to evil, causing God to judge and curse them. And this is what Psalm 82 is about. Read it in the Hebrew (use The Blueletter Bible, it’s not hard and also available for free online).
- By the way, the descendants of Abraham ALSO turned to evil and began to worship the rebellious gods of the other nations – they also apostasised. How do we know? Well God to exile them to Babylon, the very land where the Tower of Babel had been built.
But But But …
Back to “Sons of God”: now you’re going to argue and say, BUT the Bible says NOTHING about “Sons of God” in Deuteronomy 32:8, it says “Israel”. Sure, but it truly is a terrible translation and in fact absolutely inaccurate. Let’s investigate further.
Are We Making It Up?
8 When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, When He separated the sons of [a]mankind, He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the sons of Israel. 9 For the Lord’s portion is His people; Jacob is the allotment of His inheritance.
Need More Evidence?
The Septuagint says “angels of God” NOT “sons of Israel”? It’s accurate. To further bolster the assertion that it could not have been the “sons of Israel”, let’s look at this little fragment found in the Qumran caves – the Dead Sea Scrolls in other words.
What Happened After Babel?
We touched on it earlier, but let’s go over it again. Babel happened in Genesis 10, and in Genesis 11, God calls Abram and Sarai. Barren – she was too old to have children and in fact laughed when they were told they would have a child through which Jesus would come. Point is, she fell pregnant. God started again with a new group of people.
Do. You. See. it?
The Crucifixion, The Pentecost And Babel
At the cross, Jesus Christ overcame not only death which was the main result of Eden, but he also overcame the abominations which followed Genesis 6:1 – 4. Furthermore, it was a clear sign to the Powers and Principalities that their permission, given to them at Babel, had been revoked. Can you see it? His death overcame it all.
If you can see this, then you will immediately see where the Pentecost (Acts 2) fits in: at the Pentecost YHWH called ALL nations back to him.
What Does One Do With All This Knowledge?
Well, Paul tied the Second Advent of Jesus Christ to the “fullness of the gentiles”; so, when everyone who can believe, does believe, “Israel” will wake up and Jesus Christ will return. The bad forces – despite the fact that their power has been revoked – know this. So, all they have to do to keep Jesus Christ from returning, is prevent all those who can believe, from believing. They will go out of their way to sow disharmony, confusion, and will continue to make fun of the Bible, reduce or remove the deity of Jesus Christ and turn the Bible into a fairytale. The more atheists they can create, the better for them.
What to do? Spread the Gospel.